Full Sail University

Christian Feliciano Brings Nestlé Brands to Life


Christian Feliciano Brings Nestlé Brands to Life - Hero image

“电脑动画学位”一词会让人联想到电子游戏和电影行业的工作, 但Full Sail毕业生克里斯蒂安·费利西亚诺证明了动画教育可以帮助你在一系列角色中取得成功.

As the Visual Effects Director for The LEAD, Nestlé's in-house creative agency, 克里斯蒂安帮助公司最大的品牌制作出色的社交媒体视频和动画, and Full Sail's Computer Animation degree program 帮助他成为世界上最大的食品和饮料公司的一名屡获殊荣的创意人员.

Christian在波多黎各长大,一直对游戏和动画工作感兴趣. 为了稳妥起见,他在当地的一所大学攻读了计算机工程专业,但他的心并没有放在这上面. 他决定,追求自己真正的激情是值得冒险的,并开始关注动画项目. After virtually touring Full Sail's campus via the school's website, 他决定迈出这一步,报名攻读计算机动画学士学位.

Once Christian arrived on campus, he was wowed by the coursework and his professors, who had decades of experience animating for major companies like Disney. 他说:“我太喜欢我所学的东西了,教授们也太博学了。. “和那些高技能的人在一起,真的很有动力."

Christian's favorite class was Advanced Game Techniques (now Project and Portfolio VII: Computer Animation, where he learned how to build games in Unreal Engine. 最后一个项目是为《十大菠菜台子》制作一个3D多人地图关卡. Christian led a team of five students in creating a level on an oil rig, spending hours after class working out small details.

"There was a piston that would move up and down. If a player shot the piston, I wanted it to stop and smoke to come out. 我在那里呆了八个小时想弄清楚这个愚蠢的小细节是怎么发生的, and it would happen [only] half the time and I didn't know why."

That attention to detail worked in his team's favor. "The professor asked to meet with us and he said, 'Yeah, 我们基本上会给你们一个完美的分数,因为这看起来就像游戏中的关卡.“我多次告诉我的朋友,这是我职业生涯的亮点. 在那之后,我做的任何事情都感觉不到这一点,”他笑着说.

After graduation, 克里斯蒂安搬回了波多黎各,在一家电视台和一家后期制作工作室工作,从事动画设计. A few years later, 他收拾好行装,搬到了俄亥俄州,在雀巢雀巢担任The LEAD的数字设计师.

At the time, LEAD是雀巢公司创建的一个试点项目,目的是看看内部创意团队在社交媒体内容方面是否能比外包机构做得更好. 克里斯蒂安帮助雀巢雀巢将The LEAD从一个七人团队转变为一个全面运作的团队, 40-person success story.

Christian在The LEAD的工作主要是头脑风暴、演讲、制作故事板和制作动画. 雀巢旗下的一个品牌将与The LEAD达成社交媒体活动目标. 然后,克里斯蒂安的视觉效果团队与创意部门的其他成员合作,提出一些想法, producing storyboards and animatics for each. Once the brand chooses a concept, LEAD开始运行,Christian的团队为互动创造了视觉效果, eye-catching stories for channels like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and more.

到目前为止,克里斯蒂安在雀巢工作期间有几个最喜欢的项目. 其中一个活动涉及一个勇敢的小姜饼人,名叫咖啡伴侣乔尔. 这家饮料品牌想让乔尔从电视广告转向社交媒体广告, 克里斯蒂安必须在紧张的转机中创造出有品牌价值的东西.

"It was one of the hardest projects I've done for Nestlé, just because we're moving the character around, he's talking, so there's lip-syncing, 他正在与另一个人互动……整个项目可能需要在两周内工作80-100个小时," Christian says. The Coffee-Mate social media ad was a hit, 每当一个新的雀巢雀巢品牌接近The LEAD时,克里斯蒂安就会炫耀一下.

在The LEAD的早期,DiGiorno的另一个项目仍然让Christian印象深刻. 他们决定创建一个DiGiorno Pinterest应用程序,让两个不同的图钉相互作用. “楼上有一个别针,人们伸手去拿底部别针上的DiGiorno披萨," he says. It caught the attention of the Cleveland ADDYs, 克里斯蒂安的团队因他们的互动别针获得了金奖和银奖.

Christian's focus on analog art gave him an edge in the job market, 他还鼓励Full Sail的在校生特别关注学校的基础艺术课程.

"At first you're frustrated and you're like, 'Why am I doing this? Why am I drawing stuff?“(但)所有这些东西都是推动你作为一名艺术家前进的动力……你可以不断练习,在软件上做得更好。”, and the only thing that doesn't change is art foundations."

他还强调珍惜在Full Sail的时光是多么重要.

“你周围几乎永远不会有那么多和你一样专注于变得更好的人, 周围都是技术高超、愿意教书的教授……我过得很开心."