Full Sail大学


Tasha Rosenbaum’s animation background helped her co-found bylittle, a design agency that creates interactive courses for e-learning providers.

塔莎·罗森鲍姆对着镜头微笑. She has brown hair and is wearing glasses, a yellow cardigan, and a blue sweater.

“促使我制作《十大菠菜台子》的是对动画的热爱, 对电子游戏的热爱, 对逻辑思考的热爱. But I didn't necessarily step into a traditional [电脑动画] field after Full Sail,毕业生塔莎·罗森鲍姆说.

而不是在娱乐圈工作, 塔莎运用了她的动画技术, 讲故事的能力, 和对教学设计的热情共同创立 bylittle这是一家为电子学习提供商提供服务的设计机构. Today, Tasha的机构正在创建定制类, 真人视频, 以及一系列客户的动画.

塔莎的大学生涯始于夏威夷太平洋大学, where she was pursuing an English degree with a specialization in poetry. She decided to change course for a more hands-on education and landed at Full Sail, 她学习的地方 电脑动画. Tasha interviewed at a few animation studios after she graduated, but a freelance project for DuPont made her rethink her approach.

“When businesses in general were first getting into social media, [the team at DuPont] was developing training for their internal marketing team to be able to manage bad interactions on their Facebook page. (他们)就像, 'We've got everything written for it and we just need someone to do the animation work for it.' So, 我参加了一个为期12周的项目,制作动画, 几百个小时的在线学习. 它是动画,但也是互动的,”塔莎分享道.

在塔莎完成杜邦项目之后, 她开始接到更多教学设计工作的邀请. 她与空军签订了一份合同, and the work environment was the perfect training ground to develop her digital course creation skills.

“我当时在一个机组人员训练系统站。, 他们有全运动模拟器, 课堂培训, 基于计算机的培训, 还有飞行训练,她解释道. “我负责所有的课程开发, 能力建模, 编写全运动模拟器的场景.”

塔莎在空军工作了几年, then moved into the private sector to create instructional design materials for corporate learning and development. 当时她正在寻找一个全职的角色, Tasha noticed that most of the companies she encountered were outsourcing their instructional design projects to specialized agencies. 如果塔莎想从事她喜欢的工作, 她必须要有企业家的心态. Luckily, the connections she’d fostered at Full Sail helped her find a solution.

Tasha co-founded bylittle with fellow Full Sail grad Jordan Little in 2021. 在过去的几年里, little是由Tasha长大的, Jordan, 两名开发人员变成了拥有20名员工的成熟机构. 这家公司专门提供互动式培训课程, videos, 以及电子学习提供商的动画. Some of bylittle’s past projects include internal corporate courses about navigating promotions, 向护理人员提供有关痴呆症的健康课程, 电子学习介绍人工智能, and more.

当塔莎在做一个项目的时候, she focuses on bridging the gap between expert-level and beginner knowledge. She spends a lot of time meeting with clients to figure out their needs and the needs of their learners, as well as interviewing subject matter experts to gain a deep understanding of the course topic.

“I work with that subject matter expert until we get the content worked out to a way where they feel like I haven't diluted what their message is, but it's delivered contextually and conversationally in a way that someone can actually learn from it and you're not just being talked at,她说。.

Once everything is storyboarded and scripted, Tasha’s team builds a rapid prototype of the course. 原型建立了项目的图形风格, 视觉资产, 整体外观, 互动元素.

“[The prototype] allows them to be able to hear the script being said to them and then navigate through it as the learner's going to go through it. Then we can [reveal if] there any further gaps now that you're hearing it, (或者)现在你正在触摸它, 我们还遗漏了什么吗? And then we go through iterations of it until it gets to the point where we're ready to either socialize it with a larger stakeholder group or we launch it to the learner population,塔莎解释道.

bylittle’s approach to e-learning is working: The agency has already worked with more than 40 teams to create specialized content. Having a true passion for instructional design has helped Tasha and her team scale their company, but Tasha feels that her 电脑动画 background has also given her a unique advantage.

“I think a lot of [the advantage with a 电脑动画 background] comes from the storytelling side of things. 认真思考如何通过训练来编织故事, 如何以视觉的方式呈现事物. 因为即使它不是运动意义上的动画, 有很多只是, how do you break things down as though you're thinking about a scene?

“游戏思维在电子学习中非常普遍,”她继续说道. “如果你考虑电子游戏中的教程关卡, 它是关于, how do you introduce the content and then build on it in a subtle way that people feel like they don't realize it's gotten more complex? 但最后, 他们意识到, ‘Wow, 在开始的时候, 我从没想过我会走到今天这一步.’”

Tasha喜欢她在电子学习方面的工作, but she wishes she’d known about non-traditional paths in the animation industry sooner.

“我对自己的职业轨迹非常满意, 但这是一个非常非传统的职业轨迹,她解释道. “You don't necessarily have to go into movies, you don't have to go into games. (你可以)做一些很酷的视频工作, it's just not going to be in the theaters… I see a lot of people give up after they haven't been able to get a job in the gaming or the animation space. There's other avenues to explore – figure out how to explore those.”